Saturday, April 22, 2006

The chatter goes nowhere and then down the drain

I have been finding that blogs tend to be as boring ad you would imagine. I remember reading a line in an Irwin Shaw book. It is about the cliché that everyone has a book if them, if they took the time to write it. One of the characters in the book says something like: "Some people don't even have a paragraph." A lot of people are willing to post proof of that on the internet.

So far, related to this, I am proud of the fact that I have been coming up with pretty good subject headings. I think a good subject heading is one that sounds like it could have a whole blog called that. For example: I don't have the patience to be a snake, "Mitts and Monkeys Dancing" or "The Beauty"

Irwin Shaw is really one of the authors that got me hooked on reading. He wrote amazing short stories. He also would appear on the The Tomorrow Show hosted by Tom Snyder.

I think there are two periods of my past that is kind of mythological: The late 1970's and the late 1960's. I think it is why I really like the the two tv shows: "That 70's show". and "Wonder Years"

Another trip to Saranac Lake planned tomorrow --- well today, depending on when I post this. Hopefully I will have talked to everyone about doing June 15, at the Mohawk Casino.

Okay, off to read some. I rode my bike for about a half hour --- outside!!! --- so I am continuing to work on fitness.

hmmm hmmm, the Detroit Redwings won tonight, lets hope the Tigers do the same.

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