Saturday, April 15, 2006


Breaks never come fast enough.

I can see why teachers long for the holidays. During this Easter break about half the faculty is going south.

In the schools up north ---- Lake Placid and Saranac Lake --- they have two week break and even a high percentage leaves for the warmer climes. It really is a job where you need to take a moment, reflect and recharge.

For me that means goofing off even more. I have playing with the computer way too much. Reading some blogs.

I did go with MarsEdit . I still use Nisus Writer Express for most of my writing, but for previewing and posting, it is an excellent program.

I have been trying to buy shareware now that I have a little income coming in.

Speaking of which, I want to write some. There is a student who is an excellent cartoonist, who will be doing illustrations for the book we are working on "My Two Scents." I decided about a year ago it would be good to have a book that you could insert names would be a way to keep attention. So you write something like: "So Snatch took a whiff of ______" and in the blank you say, 'Tyler,' who is now paying attention. I hope it works out.

I am not clear how the interaction will go with the illustrator. I am kind of dependent on getting the teachers who have the better relationship with him to help prompt him.

I have the same situation in reverse with coaching softball. Teachers are asking me to work with their problems via the softball team. Of course, I often respond: "It's not you, it's ever class she is in." Though there are some students that really only have problems in certain teachers' classes. Those are the students that one or two teachers can help out.

Maybe those problems can't be solved, but I have a week to think about it.

Asperger's syndrome

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