Thursday, May 11, 2006

o well

I tend to write way less when I am frustrated with my job. When it is plain frustration, like confused at how my co-workers act.

In school I would write about the silly things I would witness. Things like how I never saw librarians at the gym. Or how the grad library was kind of pathetic, especially considering the school taught how to be a librarian. More pathetic was the professors seemed to agree that it was not efficient, but complacent in any attempt to change it.

Of course their complacency could be similar to my current frustration. As a new person in my district I have seen several things that seemingly could be better. I am at the point where I feel it is a waste of time to try and improve them. There doesn't seem to be any sense in bringing the topics up with the staff who ignore them, or ignore them and continue to talk about what they want to talk about.

An example: I brought up the fact that they HS was concern about the senioritist that our students have. After listening about them thinking about individual students, I asked, we had this problem last year, we will have it next year, unless we look at it in a more global aspect.

They agreed that it was it was more than just a few students problem THIS year, then started going on the list, like how the Valedictorian's average for some classes is 20 points low. I understand the local concern, but I asked them to think globally. It appeared they ignored the thought, but maybe their concern for individual students pushed them away from the big picture.

My suggestion would be to say, no senior trip, until you have enough credits to pass. this would mean changing the trip (often five days in a sunny place, like taking a cruise to Jamaica) from Easter Break to the end of the school year.

Sometimes it is just easier to give up. But I don't want to join the pack.


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