Sunday, April 02, 2006

I want to reverse the ratio

I have been told that you spend 80 percent of your time with 20 percent of the students.

The statement was accepting that one fifth of your students are going to be trouble and you will devote much of your time with discipline.

Discipline is an interesting concept when it comes to education you can look at the word in two different ways, one would be how you correct/punish students in hopes they will perform better and then there is the concept that perhaps students should have a certain amount of discipline that will help they to work harder and get the job done. USA Today had an Article on american student discipline and it wasn't very promising.

Basically the editorial presents the thought that the American work ethic doesn't compare to that of other countries. It makes all the thought, work and theories about No Child Left Behind moot.I know I have mentioned this article a couple days ago, but once you read it and look at student performance, it makes you realize what really needs to change.

The only thing it does kind of say that supports NCLB is that our students are doing better on High Stakes Testing, at the expense of knowledge.

This is pervasive. I spent at least 25 percent of softball practice arguing with three of the 20 girls on the team. Three girls that other faculty members have pointed out that spend 80 percent of their time not doing what they should and basically sucking the life out of everything. Worse they argue for 20 minutes over a five minute task.

I would like to think if you gave people a choice between a high test score or knowledge, they would take knowledge. (Or a choice between playing softball or arguing with the coach about how many practices they have attended (out of 15 practices these young ladies have only been to five each) they would chose playing.) I would, but I am not so sure others would.

I would like to spend the next 15 years helping students grasp for knowledge. I would like to spend about 90 percent of my time with those who have not closed their minds.


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