Sunday, March 26, 2006

I hate the end of the day.

The end of the day is when you are tired and know you need to go to bed, but you also know you should read. And reading might be a good thing, since it takes you mind of what you didn't do during the day.

I was working on the yearbook tonight and it reminded me of all the family trees of a small district -- in a small town. These trees have a lot of roots that cross over. There are families with four kids and a collection of six parents. I wonder if this is true in other districts. If the math teacher was smart, she would teach probablity with the concept of: what is the chances you are related to the kid seated next to  you?

There is the six degrees of seperation and in the small town, the two seats away of relativity...

I was looking up a kids name for the yearbook and realized her mom is the mom of another kid. I know that should not be such a big thing, but after a year, you start knowing the connections. You might not know how they are related, but you know they are related somehow. In this case, I have never seen the one kid acknowledge the other. Some of that is may be they haven't been in the library at the same time.

To explain this more, one day a senior was talking to a girl. I told him quit flirting and get to work. His response was: "that is my cousin."

I told him that was redundant, since 80 percent of all students are hs cousins.

The school only has 200 kids --- k-12 --- and it is in the middle of nowhere. I joke that you don't have to say 'drive an hour and turn right' when you are giving directions, because everything is about an hour away.  Nowhere as in there are no feeder communities.

It's one of the reason why I really don't mind having a long distance relationship. I always need to get out of town once in a while

See this rambling, it's why I hate the end of the day. There are way too many thoughts in my head. Too much chatter in the back of of the classroom, when I need some zzzzz's.


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